
  1. In-Person Cooking Class (Singapore): Boring Indian Food Workshop
  2. Interactive Private Dining: Boring Indian BBQ Party (Singapore)
  3. Online Cooking Class for Teams: Boring Indian Curry Workshop

40 Comments Add yours

  1. Saurav Ray Chaudhuri says:

    Where is your video or channel to see some of your recipes? One of my friend suggested your name so wanted to check which is that mutton curry with drumsticks which is so tasty compared to kosha mangsho or mangsher jhol? Looking forward to find that recipe.

    1. Hi Saurav, thanks for stopping by! Here’s the recipe for my Mutton Curry with Drumsticks (Moringa): https://madonionslicer.com/munakkaya-mamsam-mutton-curry-with-drumsticks/ You can also find more of my stuff on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madonionslicer πŸ™‚


  2. Madhurima says:

    Studied hospitality management too! Totally recall the internship days by looking at the slicing speed!

  3. Claude Bothello says:

    I can challenge any one to cook better than my wife in the Old Goan Way a Dish called sorpotel. We (my daughter and me) relish the dish in a manner that we both fight to clean the Handi. Of course my wife can cook a better Pork Vindalo but she cooks it in the Old Way by using an Earthen vessel and by using leaves and twigs from the Garden. It takes a lot of time but boss it is so delicious that even our neighbors drop in for a slice. She is the Best person I have ever known on this earth.

  4. Carol Fernandes says:

    I simply love your version of the Pork Vindloo. I’m a Goan but my mum was an anglo-indian from Secunderabad and Oh how I loved her cooking.

    Please Dhruv I would love some of your recipes.
    Thank you and God Bless you in the New Year 2014.

  5. Denny George says:

    hehe.. just saw the video. what a ridiculous and cool skill to have πŸ˜€

    1. Denny George says:

      I meant ridiculous BUT cool skill πŸ™‚

  6. June says:

    Quite cool. Enjoyed reading your bio. Your cat sounds like fun. I used to live with a fish freak once and we had loads of discus and a betta too. Was surprised to read the Takashi Amano part in your cv from the Nigerian scammer post. Well explained now πŸ™‚

  7. I discovered your blog site on google and checked out a few of your earlier posts. Continue to keep up the work. I just added your RSS feed to my MSN News Reader. looking forward to reading more from you later on!

  8. Reema says:

    Why didnt I know you more before you left, beats me now. This is so god darn funny πŸ˜€ and my that’s fast. I wud be shite scared of chopping my fingers at that rate.

  9. Mandar says:

    What was the (same) clip from the other side in aid of? Left eyed people? πŸ™‚

  10. Shuchita says:

    Dude u made my day!!! i so had the laugh of the day moment reading ur intro….i wud love to c the pics of the ludo playing cat ……sorry Ms.Puddington A Shankar….////there were such punchzzzzz///u rock//

  11. Manan says:

    Nice introduction, and the video was very impressive. You sliced onions so fast that it made my eyes water…

  12. Sagnik says:

    “My hobbies include climbing into my neighbor’s balcony to watch TV, waking up watchmen who sleep on night duty, borrowing traffic cones and sign boards and planting fireworks under auto-rickshaws at night” ———– THESE LINES WERE SIMPLY NOSTALGIC !! MADE MY DAY>>>>ROCK ON !! πŸ™‚

  13. Shruti says:

    Hey Dhruv,
    Nice blog! I stumbled upon it while looking for a restaurant review… and I was intrigued to see how similar our backgrounds are! We both share a hotel / IT background, with a penchant for writing. Although my photoshop skills leave heaps to be desired! lol.
    Happy blogging!

  14. Valerie says:

    I never ever post but this time I will,Thanks alot for the great blog.

  15. Gobimanjuria says:

    Yayyyy.. I got a comment from the mad onion slicer. How cool is that. haha. I knew that gobimanjuria is a universal favorite. I was hunting for a name that sounds spicy, masaledar, is universally popular and of course, has my name in it. I tried vegmanjuria but cudnt get it as the untech-savvy me had once registerd for it and unbale to retrieve it. Well. So what is happening in the slicer’s world? Anyway u have lots of fans. I am jealousssss!

  16. Vivek says:

    Super cool buddy.. As always

  17. M. Bhikshapathy Raju says:

    Good stuff man. Wow, super, very good, congrats!

  18. Abhishek says:

    Simbllyyyyyyyyy Amazing

  19. Arpitha says:

    You write really well. Hilarious stuff…

  20. Aishwarya says:

    Awesome stuff da! You are one amazing person with so many talents! Appreciate it πŸ™‚ ! Way to go man!

  21. Radhika says:

    Awesome ya!

  22. Vandini says:

    hey….keep it up man,lovely stuff,got tears in my eyes reading.

  23. Hello! Dhruv

    I am BILIGIRI RANGA, from Hyderabad, India and am writing an article for a Hyderabad based PRISM , a 10 year old mag, on Hyderabadi sense of humour which as u know is famous across the world. My article deals with whether this famous spirit still exists or has got withered away due to passage of time and modern stress.

    U can see my http://www.primetimeprism.com – Features link for earlier articles of mine)

    My article deals with whether the city folks who are world famous for their unique jokes, have lost their sense of humour or not.

    I am keen to have your views for the same and hope u would respond.

    Pls get in touch with me at my e mail id very soon today

    Waiting for your e mail reply on positive note

  24. Nags says:

    hahaha.. you write really well! yet to watch the video though, cuz am at work and can’t spare the time to really enjoy it (with music)

  25. Ms Taggart says:

    Good to see another Hyderabadi!
    Came here through the review on 100 Degrees… Apart from that place, I think I have eaten in all other restaurants in Hydie and now getting bored of those places too… So *Same pinch* πŸ™‚

  26. Now this is a professional query. DO you slice other vegetables as well? How muh would charge for chopping and slicing a year’s supply of vegetables?
    Do revert back.
    And say hi to puddington A. Shanker

  27. Hi there,
    I live in Australia. Just came across this site by accident. Bravo! I really love the video. Hilarious, and it certainly demonstrates a lot of skill with a knife. I’m very impressed. I better not let my husband see this. He’ll probably lose several fingers trying to emulate you the next time he’s preparing dinner.
    Love esther

  28. Anonymous says:

    He’s mine!!!!

  29. Smitha says:

    An exemplary intro…..meaning to say..it exemplifies you. Did a lol and reminded me of the time you got the waiter at lunch into guffaws with ‘these chicken must have been handicapped…where are all the legs?’

  30. Manisha says:

    Hey… Amazing intro! Love the way you cut your onions! Wish I could too! Mad Onion Slicer Jr… Love the sound of it! lol.. J/K

    Thanks for your feedback on 100 Degrees… Intended going there tonight. Know of any other place where u get good sizzlers?


  31. anil s says:

    Hi πŸ™‚
    wow !
    Sure made me smile big enuff ta make mah ears entangle at the back of me head! Was fun reading !!
    Way ta go lad !! Keep it up !!

  32. manjari says:

    U seem to b a complete package of wit , humour , eloquent orator n writer n last bt nt d least …a commendable performer in whtevr u do !! Good goin Dhruv….!! All d best !!

    manjari πŸ™‚

  33. Jeevan says:

    Great intro mate… keep it going

  34. Casey says:

    Too Good Dhruv.. You have great sense of humour. Your Ringtones collections awesome.

  35. Divya says:

    Awesome….There’s DhruvA for you all!!! Perfect profile..But, I must say, he’s more mad in person!! πŸ™‚

  36. Vicky says:

    Hey MOC,

    I stumbled onto your blog when I was looking for MMA classes in Hyderabad. I just moved here from Bangalore(actually not quite) Despite my interest in MMA I’ve not kept up with the sport. The last match I watched was Gracie Vs Matt Hughes. I dont know any of the current chaps. The chaps I’ve seen in action are Bas ‘El guapo’ Rutten, Randy, Chuck Liddel, Quinton, Shamrock brothers etc. Actually it’s mostly been Bas. I’ve hardly seen one or two matches of all the other chaps. Good to know there’s a fellow MMA fan out here. I also like your offer of a food review. I’ll take you up on your offer over the weekend. By the way, do you know of any place which offers MMA training in Hyderabad? Looking forward to your reply.

  37. Brighty says:

    Awesome intro Dhruv…. really phunny !!

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